Friday, September 29, 2006

What's love got to do with it?

Everything!!!!! Without it we would be nothing.

On June 14th, Troy and I celebrated our 9th year of marriage. We spent the weekend at Disney World and had a very special meal to celebrate the actual night of. We have begun our tenth year of marriage by subsequently giving away everything we still owned (we sold the house last year) and leaving the country.

To some of our friends our nine years are a drop in the bucket, and to others we are further along. We have had a wondeful marriage thus far, and are sure the future is looking bright. We have had no children of our own, but we have a strong feeling God isn't done with us yet.

I am gratefull to God for a husband like mine, and I know not every woman would be willing to follow her husband into the heart of darkness. Instead of making plans to add to my wedding ring set going into this our tenth year of marriage, I have retired the diamond and replaced it with a simple gold band. I am blessed with the opportunity to be a diamond instead of wearing mine. I see the people of the world as worth it. I know you do as well.

We will be all over the map in the near future. We are on the path to the place that God has called us to be. Along the way we are being blessed and being a blessing. Thanks to all of you who have been and will continue to support us in our efforts to spread the gospel and show the love of Jesus to all who come in our path. We would not be who we were without you all in our lives.

Here we are outside of the restaurant. We really had an amazing meal. Our waiter was really great and they treated us like royalty. The menu was printed out with a Happy Ninth Anniversay Message to us and then it was given to us as a souviner. Here is a picture of the dessert that we were given.

I promise I have thought about this meal while eating some very questionable fare here in Haiti. We have been well directed by our host and nothing has made us really ill. Troy and I alone will be another story, you know how he is about strange foods. The more the better! I have actually witnessed poor and starving people turn their nose up at what Troy was eating. There is no one like him and I would not have it any other way!

Here he is the other day surveying the yard. He is beneath the bannana trees. He likes it there for some reason. I had to sneak up on him and get a picture. He goes out there every morning with his cup of coffee, if we have it. He looks around, moves the tarantulas to safety if he runs into them. Is that a contented face or what?

He has a good time wherever he is. How's that for the perfect traveling companion, even if he does eat gross stuff. I'll follow him all over the globe. It's going to be an interesting life. That's for sure.