Friday, April 11, 2008

Meet Angkarin "tik" Pimpaeng...

I would like you to meet my friend Tik. If you got the newsletter, then you know that we have sown finacially into her life. I asked her to put a bio together for me so I could introduce her to all of you. She is awesome, and I think you will come to that conclusion yourself. She has created the following for all of you. I thought it would be best to leave it all in her words. So without further ado...

Name: Angkarin Pimpaeng

Nick Name: Tik (Like a teak wood)

Birthday: June 17, 1980

Nationality: Thai

I was born into a typical Buddhist family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. I am the first Christian in my extended family. I said "the first' because I believe that there will be the second, the third and so on after me. I accepted Jesus when I was in my university senior year.Since then God has changed my life inside out and upside down. My whole life before I know God, I have put my purpose in pursuing worldly reputation and possession because I grew up in a family that could not provide anything that life in general should have. But when I have come to know God, He has revealed to me the real meaning of life is that to know Him and to bring glory to Him. Apart from God there is no life and no purpose but with God lies the fullness of life.

After I graduated from university, I have been pursuing what God has for me and what God wants from me. (God's plan for our life lies in all of life (Sphere of society) not just in mission field)He led me into a program called discipleship Training School with YWAM which aims to equip His people to know Him and making Him known in all nations. I did the program myself for 6 months in 2005. Then I have involved in running that program from 2005-2007. It allows me to travel to different countries in Asia such as India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and of course Thailand. The things the lord has opened my eyes to see is the hunger of God's kingdom and knowledge and the lack of discipleship in these nations.

We all know that God has called each one of us to go an make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and to teach them all that he has commanded us. And He will be with us to the very end of the age.God commanded us to disciple His people to live out His truth in all area of society so that the earth will be filled with the glory of the holy one like the water covers the sea.

Current and Future plan:

2008 - I am a YWAM volunteer with a ministry whose focus is to help refugees at Thailand-Myanmar border in their immediate needs. Building networks with the body of Christ.

2009 - Pioneer a Discipleship school which will focus in building a strong foundation in the word and relationship with Jesus amongst Asian leaders and believers.


Monthly support - I need about 400 USD to cover accommodation, food and transportation

Used car - I will be traveling to the border a couple times a month, visiting people who I am serving, taking supplies for them.


Intimacy with God in a deeper level.

Family to come to know the lord.

Giving and Contact Information:

Angkarin Pimpaeng
P.O.Box 100
Lecanto, FL 34460