Sunday, October 01, 2006

Just a quick note from Haiti...

I know I have a lot of work to do to catch everyone up on Haiti, but I just had to share this.

I was minding my own business doing my thing when the electricity went out. It was already about 6:30 in the evening so it was dark. All three of us eventually made our way in the dark to the front porch. It is the coolest place to be under those circumstances. Troy assured us, as he always does, that it will be right back on. Sometimes it goes on for hours or even through the night, but most of the time he's right.

Tonight we only had to wait about fifteen minutes. That was pretty great considering that we were all quickly covered with a full layer of sweat in no time at all. As we sat talking on the porch, waiting to see what kind of night we were in for we were all very optimistic. We've all been through the warm nights without fans and we know we'll survive.

What happened was worth sitting down and sharing. The fifteen minutes or so passed and then on it came. When it does, all the children in the neighborhood scream out a collective yeah!!!!! It is such an awesome sound. You have to be in a place like this to experience the utter joy that can come from things that we usually take for granted. It happens every time, and I just realized that I don't want to take that for granted.

Take a minute, look around you, think about all that you have and the ones that you love. If your honest with yourself you will probably admit that you are taking something or maybe even someone for granted. Don't make that mistake. Appreciate the good things in your life because I guarantee you that people who have little or nothing don't find that difficult to do.

There is wisdom in thankfulness. It helps your perspective, and I promise it will put a smile on your face. Don't allow what you don't have to ruin what you do have and yours will be a heart that says Yeah!!!!!.