Friday, March 07, 2008

Children are the same everywhere...

We have already talked about our friends here in Din Daeng, Bangkok so you know who they are. We are getting to know them all better everyday and having a blast in the process.

This is Oom. She is going to be twelve in April and she is hysterical. She would probably kill us if she saw this picture, but she doesn't know how to get to the blog so we are safe. She is just like every other little girl on the verge of being a teenager. Part little girl and part teen queen. We adore her.

Here is what she does while we all sit around eating and visiting. Her Mother owns the restaurant we eat at most days (No Kitchen) and both her aunts work there as well. Here is a picture of her mother Oy and her Mother's sister Den from where Troy was sitting. Her Mom is the one who is wearing the hat and the apron. She does the cooking.

So here is what Oom is doing while we are sitting there.

She is usually making silly pictures and then calling them Troy, but this one was too cute to pass up. Then she got high tech on us.

Here's Troy sensing that she is up to no good because she had snapped a silly picture of him.

Here is what she did with that picture. I know it is blurry, but I had to take a picture of the picture that was on her camera phone with our camera ,which was not easy. This is version #1.

Here is version #2.

Troy's a good sport. Here he is looking at other pictures she has on the cell phone.

It doesn't matter what country you live in or what language you speak, making someone silly like Troy into a monkey is just plain fun! Putting a big moustache on someones face is absolutely universal and the horns speak for themselves. In reality, there is no difference between this soon to be twelve year old, and any one we know back home. The language is different, big deal. Isn't it amazing to ponder.

We are all the same, and we all need the same things beginning with a Savior.