Thursday, February 14, 2008

It Is Finished...

As we set out for the great unknown all I can think is it is finished! All of it. Everything that God has for us to do we will walk into. He has prepared the way. He has made the path clear to all that he has for us. What we do and all that we accomplish will be because of him. We are simply headed out to find out what he has planned for us from before the foundations of the world. How cool is that?

I am not deluded into thinking that it will all be easy. I know that there will be difficulties for us at times, but they will be because of us not because of God. That much I do know. He loves us and He loves the people he has sent us to. That is all that matters.
So... Tune in boys and girls because the dynamic duo are off and running again. The picture above is of us holding up the Visa to Thailand that is stamped in our passports. We are headed to our portion of the world. We will never be the same. Thailand will never be the same. Souheast Asia will never be the same.