Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Where do I begin....

To tell the story of how good a love can be...
A true love story that is older than the sea...
Da Da Da Da...

That was "Love Story" for those of you who have no idea what I am writing about. I thought it to be an appropriate song for the moment. I am about to start describing the love with which we were sent out into the beautiful country of the Dominican Republic.

God was in no way difficult to find on this trip my friends. He was everywhere present and ready to touch the lives of all we came in contact with. There is no experience like it. When you arrive knowing that all He has for someone is available to them and they recognize and receive it there is no limit to what God will do through you.
We had an amazing schedule with events every day and every night. For the record, I will only be scratching the surface of what happened on this trip and all I can suggest is that you get yourself out there and do it for yourself. There is no other way to know what this is like.
Here are some shots of the night I preached in the park. This was a a great experience for me because I learned a very valuable lesson. I knew that God was telling me that I was to preach about Salvation. I was supposed to lay it out from start to finish and explain it. Tell them why, tell them how and show it to them in the word of God. I was really excited until I started and soon realized that the crowd was almost fully made up of the people from the church that we were working with. These people were already saved and although they were supportive, this was not news to them by any means.

It messed with me. I have to admit it. Obviously, God was not wrong. The question was could I have been. The message ended and the alter call was given and one young man came up. I was thrilled. There was someone I was speaking to after all. At first, I was thanking God for my sake. He gave his life to the lord and then I was glad I obeyed for his sake.
I thought that was the last of it. It was not. The next day we went out door to door to meet and speak with the people in the neighborhood. It just so happened that we ended up at the house of the young man that was born again the night before. Once there, I met his mother and she proceeded to tell me that just a few weeks before, she had a dream. It was very real and very vivid. She said that in her dream she had given her three sons to God. When she woke up she told her youngest son all about it. She told him that she had given him to God and that he was supposed to give his life to Him. He answered her and said that he would do that just as soon as he had an opportunity. He had no idea how to go about it, but when he heard what I was teaching he knew what he had to do and why.

His mother thanked me. It is not a describable experience. I left there knowing that the young man now knew how to lead his brothers to the lord and they both had a full assurance of their relationship with God. I have never been more grateful for listening to the lord and doing what I was instructed to do regardless of what it seemed like.

We walk by faith and not by sight. It is for a reason. Trust God. He is never wrong.