Monday, January 15, 2007

Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear ye...

Note: If you have not read "Troy don't do no Voodoo." Go and read it before you read this. It is the beginning of this story.

I am proud to announce that God is awesome! You knew this you say? Well let me give you yet another reason why He is.

Mr. Borel's Father, whose name I still have not figured out, is doing great. Troy picked him up from the Hospital today and brought him to Mr. Borel's home so he could finish gaining back his strength and his life. It was only fitting, of course, that Troy picked him up again. This time he didn't have to carry him. He spent 5 days in the hospital, thanks to Judy's benevolence because she is paying the hospital bill. He is now up and walking around on his own now. He is eating solid food and feels much better. He even asked for a coke. The nectar of life in these here parts. He drank it too.

Mr. Borel said his other family members are shamed, and his "brother of little faith" realizes how wrong it was to start making funeral plans when Mr. Borel has the "Christians" in his corner. The real reason is much simpler than that. God loves that little old man.

Troy is probably now the new patron saint of the Deyo, but hopefully things will be explained and people will realize that he is actually almost a mere mortal man. Just a little better is all. He is certainly my Hero.

Well, him and Jesus, but you know what I mean.

P.S. I just found out how to spell and say his name. He is Rosilma Denis, and he is now born again.