Saturday, December 30, 2006

A day in the life of a missionary...

Today I gave an orphan a T-shirt and a pair of shorts that I bought him when I was home. It is rare for him to get something with the tags on it. Frankly, in his case it is rare to get much of anything at all. He immediately put it on, and we put what he was wearing in a plastic bag. He spent the next hour trying to hide his smile, which he had no control over because it kept coming back. It felt really good to see his face. It's moments like that I live for. The rest is just the means to an end. Some would argue that this moment is not as important as a spiritual one like a healing or a salvation, but I think those people need to get saved. When a child is shown that someone cares when there is no daily reminder of this in his life, it is a spiritual moment. Who but God in heaven is responsible for that kind of love? The kind that takes of its own and gives to someone in need of a sign that there are good things to be had in this life. When your a kid, grasping the concept of a God in heaven is not usually a problem. When your an orphan, finding out that He wants to have something to do with your life is seriously good news!