Tuesday, October 17, 2006

2 pigs, me and the Milky Way...

We were in a camera shop before we left for Haiti and there was this really cool poster on the wall. It was a night shot from space looking down on the U.S. and surrounding areas to see the lights. You could easily see the major locations like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami and others. Everywhere there were a lot of people there were a lot of lights. It included the Caribbean. We immediately checked Haiti. What we found was not a single blip of light anywhere near where we were going. We were prepared for this, but it did not bode well.

Troy studied the poster and said "Just think about how awesome the stars are going to look, there is no light pollution." I laughed because that is Troy in a nut shell. I am looking at an entire country sitting in the dark, and Troy instantly finds the upside. You gotta love him. You just do. So here it is. This is the view from the back yard. We really do need to get Judy a telescope, but this is good for just looking up.

So what's with the title of this particular blog entry. It's what Troy said when we were out there staring at this amazing sky. There are two pigs that live next door. They sleep right beside the block wall that separates the neighbors yard from ours. They were making all kinds of noise. I assume it was because they heard us. Then again maybe they were just agreeing with us. It was a beautiful sky, even a pig could appreciate that.