Monday, December 18, 2006

What a wonderful world...

Here are some shots of Judy's beach. We hope to one day call it the view from Judy's Harvest House Haiti Children's Home. The home will be known as The Children's Village, this is where the orphanage will be when it is built. She owns the property, and it has been prepared for construction. The only thing holding it up now is the funds to actually begin construction of the buildings. I will add some more shots of the area so you can see how beautiful it is there. This will be a home for special needs children. They will be children who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, children with birth defects or other physical limitations. These are the children that require special care and who have the hardest time surviving in other orphanages.
I have to say it is paradise. The entire property is bordered by this beach. The area is cool because it always gets an ocean breeze, and it is going to be an amazing place when it is finished. Judy has some amazing ideas about the layout of the buildings. She is going to incorporate the ocean as much as possible. She is even planning on doing physical therapy right there in the water. The benefits of water exercises are well documented and she can take advantage of the weather being no less than 85 degrees all year long.