Monday, January 15, 2007

How much is the kitty in the window...

Does anybody want a slightly used kitty? She speaks English and Creole. She's a little dusty, but we can work with that. We could send her in a package...

No takers? That is probably a wise choice. She is the reason I am up at 4:30 in the morning writing a blog!

Her name is Mimi, which is Creole for kitty. She is a gigantic pain in the butt. She is a good mouser, though. She is spoiled rotten to the core, and Judy has started calling her Passport Kitty because she says she needs to find a way to get out of the country with her Sugar Daddy, Troy, because her life is going to change drastically when the Elliott's leave town. Well, that and the fact that she is totally prejudiced. She hides from all Haitians, crawling under furniture or running from the room, like they have the plague. Considering that once we leave Judy will be the only white person around her, she is in for a drastic change in lifestyle. I have to admit I have been part of the problem in spoiling her, but she is working my last nerve at the moment.

She has had her entire life rearranged by the construction and her ability to come in and out of the house has been cut off. Now she has to come to the screen door and meow until someone lets her in. Guess who that someone is.

She is very wisely staying away from me at the moment because she is great danger. She woke me up to let her in and she will not stop meowing. Apparently, she doesn't want the animal food I gave her, she wants tuna fish or something more worthy of her. She has been known to wake me up just because she feels it is time to pet her. It isn't even close to time, but you can't tell her anything.

Here is the "Andy Warhol" that her Sugar Daddy did of her. Isn't she fabulous! She thinks this should be blown up real big on the wall.

This is the image I wake up to every morning. Well, it would be if I could see her because it is still dark when she usually starts bellowing until I let her in.

Here she is trying to be cute and cuddly. Don't let her fool you, she is a vicious, mouse killing, self centered little brat and she is still meowing as I write this!

OK. She is sitting on my lap now because she realized that this blog was about her. At least she is not meowing anymore. She makes me sneeze and wakes me up all the time, but she knows how to wear you down. She is a model of patient persistence.

Doesn't anyone want a slightly used kitty? You sure? Oh well. My only salvation will be leaving the country. I promise that will be the first time anyone ever left Haiti to escape ... a kitty.