Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What's Happened...

Time is going by way too fast and there is so much to tell you all. I have managed to get out the heart of what went on in Haiti, but I have so much more to share. I apologize for letting life take me away on this adventure without taking the time to fill you in on what we have been doing and where we have been. I am going to do better in the future and the key will be to get caught up. When this massive pile of experiences is behind me there will be no more pressure and I can freely blog my heart out.

I know I mentioned that we were in Panama, but it is going to have to wait. There is way to much to tell you about the Dominican Republic so I will be starting there.

This was December 2006. I know. I know. Shame on me, but I do not receive the condemnation. Got it. This was an amazing trip. I am going to spread this out over a couple of blogs so here we go.

This trip was with a team from Chapter Twenty Nine Missions Organization. They are based in Tulsa, Oklahoma and lead teams on short term missions trips as well as other very exciting things. These are the kind of people that really do a trip right and they are also the kind of people that don't feel any need to save up their miracle working God for just the Mission Field. They know full well he is alive and well in the U.S.A. and that He is just as willing to heal the sick here. They live this life here and out there. Very Cool. Very cool indeed.

Here's a little more about it all...

This is Marc Allen David. He is the Co-Founder of Chapter Twenty Nine Missions Organization. That is Chapter 29, as in there are 28 chapters in the book of acts, and we are now writing chapter 29. As you can see he could have been anything he wanted to be. He choose to be "Missionary Man" and I strongly suggest that you don't mess with the missionary man.

Here is a picture of us getting ready to hit the streets in Pantoja. This is a "Barrio" outside of Santa Domingo. It was out focal point and where we spent out time. I have looked through all of our pictures and could not find one picture of the group all together. You know the typical posed shot. I guess the truth is once we hit the ground we took off running. We did not even stop long enough to take a picture of all of us together. We were all about getting out there and affecting some lives with the Truth and the Grace of God. I have everyone in photos though so I will introduce them as we go.

This is Craig Driml and Beverly Wu. They are from Phoenix, Arizona. This was their second trip to the Dominican Republic with Chapter Twenty Nine so they were ready to get out there and get going. They were amazing and we had a great time.

And last, but certainly by no means least is, Melissa Sue David. Our resident Evangelist / Praise and Worship Leader / Power House for God. Beyond that she is Marc's sister and my friend. This is a family with three first names and they mean business. Melissa and I went to Bible School together and we learned a thing or two there. She is a force of nature and taking the world by storm all or the benefit of the Kingdom of God.

Well the stage has been set. Theses are the cast members. God did some really amazing things and I will share them with you in the following blogs.