Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Justice is blind, or is it? ...

I don't think it is.

I think the concept that most of us have of justice is completely earthly and just plain wrong. This is why you find people asking God so many of the "whys" that they do. This is why it seems that some people escape it. Why it seems that some people are above it. Why it sometimes seems to be disfigured beyond repair by endless loopholes and technicalities. Why those who do evil and hide behind God's forgiveness seem to forever be getting away with it.

Justice. True Justice belongs to God and the Kingdom of God. It is a truth which transcends the confines of this world. What do I mean? I will explain.

We know that as Christians we are forgiven. It is commonly said that "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." Well, that is a crude way of expressing a great and wonderful truth. Our righteousness is like filthy rags, but when we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus we take on His righteousness. Ours no longer matters because we are given His, and His is perfect.

This is true for all of mankind. The only requirement is entering in. That means that the worst of all possible sinners has just as much right to be forgiven as the least of all possible sinners. The bible tells us that no one is in hell because of what they did. They are there because of the one thing they did not do, accept the cleansing forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

It also holds true then that the worst of all sinners, if he/she steps into this redemption is forgiven. This means that they will not be kept from entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Once again, no one is in hell because of what they did, but what they did not do. I repeat that because it is a hard truth for some people to grasp.

Why is that hard to grasp? It is hard to grasp because of an earthly sense of Justice. We want to see those who have been truly evil pay for it. We like the idea that bad people would suffer the consequences of burning in hell and everything that the bible says that entails. We want to see punishment. We want to see it because it is in our nature to desire Justice, but we operate under a false concept of what Justice is as I have already said.

You see, Justice is not blind. It is all seeing and all knowing. Everything counts. Your actions, your motives, your imaginations. Just like Jesus said in the Gospels, we can just think it and it is just as if we had done it. What? We are forgiven! Oh Yes, my friends and thank God for that. We have to broaden our understanding on this subject because it limits us and it hinders us and it causes us to question God in debilitating ways. If we are not asking why, then we want to know when because it has to be.

Justice exists not in this world or in Hell. Justice, exists in the Kingdom of Heaven. As well it should, it is a divine principle after all. We are instructed well in the bible about these things, but we tend to miss what is being taught because we are deceived by our mistaken earthly form of Justice. Paul tells so many different ways that we are not to focus on this life. We are to know that this life is merely a vapor, but it is an important vapor because eternity depends upon it. We naturally apply that to life and death, Heaven and Hell, but there is more to it. We are all going to be exposed to Justice in the Kingdom of Heaven. Not what we think, but what it really is. No one will be booted out of the Kingdom once they are there because they are "saved." That means not going to Hell. We are not saved from Justice, however, because no one can be. Justice is who God is. It is more than a principle, although we have to look at it that way to understand it. God is Justice. It is an attribute that makes Him who He is. The devil plays on this all the time. If Jesus had to live and die horribly, shedding His innocent blood for us to be redeemed, then trust me when I tell you there is no way to escape Justice. The price must be paid. That is why he paid the ultimate price for us.

Are you confused. You will only be confused if you are still thinking about Justice in an earthly way. We automatically compute Justice with punishment. Why? Everything else in the Kingdom of Heaven is backwards compared to here. You give to receive, you love to overcome your enemy. Why should Justice be any different. It is not about punishment, but reward. This life is a vapor and eternity does depend on it. We are taught that we should be Heavenly minded because what happens here affects what happens there. That is because we will be judged for what we do here. Judged in the true sense of the principle. We will be rewarded based on the all seeing, all knowing power of Justice. It will matter not only what we did, but what we thought. Just like He told us.

So much changes if you get this. Gone are all the conversations with God about why so and so gets away with so and so. Why do they not pay? Why does he allow these things to happen. When will it all come around and punishment occur? The earthly consequences never seem to be enough. Sometimes they don't even seem to be occurring at all. We tell ourselves they simply can't be blessed when they are/do what they are/do.

The people in the old testament are always crying about injustice. There is no such thing. It may seem like it here, but in the end Justice will be doled out. We will all pay for what we did, but not in a "squished bug" kind of way, but in the "God is Truth" kind of way. It will all be revealed and we will all agree that He is right. No one will be able to hide from who they were or what they did and Justice will prevail.

I intend to do my best here in this life. I intend to move forward and follow the book of instruction that I have been given. This life is a test and I intend to get the best grade I can. I have made mistakes. I am sure I have caused people to ask God why? I am truly sorry for it, but that changes nothing. The scales are perfectly balanced and Justice is my friend. I am forgiven, but I am also accountable. In His endless generosity and kindness I will be judged and I will get what I deserve beyond the one thing that I did not deserve. To get to be there in the first place is the greatest gift I will ever be given. For many, it will be all they have, but they will be grateful nonetheless. No one will question it on the flip side because Justice truly can not and will not be denied.

Justice is a He. The "He." Justice is not blind. The scales are perfectly calibrated. In the end all things will be balanced. It is truly not my concern what anyone else is doing. I have enough to concentrate on in my own life. I pray this helps you. I pray it continues to help me.