Saturday, March 22, 2008

Elephants come out at night...


They do.

It is an amazing sight to see a man riding an elephant down the street. I have done my best to capture it, but it is not nearly going to do the job. We have taken several trips this month both to Khon Kaen and Chaing Mai. These are cities in Thailand that are to the North East and North of Bangkok. The area is elephant country and they really do come out at night. They just walk around in the town right down the street with cars riding by.

It's about money as most things are, but unusual and interesting to the foreigner nonetheless. The trainer rides the elephant while a helper walks beside it carrying little bags of cut up sugar cane. You buy the bag and they let you feed it to the elephant. The elephant is only in it for the sugar cane, but you get the idea.

I did this for you so I hope you enjoy it. You think I am kidding, but I DID! I was covered with elephant snot by the end of this. Attempting to get a decent picture was harder than you think. My other objection was that my outfit was not something I wanted to be photographed in, but how bad could I look standing next to an elephant.

Here is another one that we came across later. Apparently there was not enough snot on me, so we tried again to get a better picture. I say this with a smile on my face of course. Let's face it folks, this is pretty cool considering I didn't have to buy a ticket to have the experience just a little elephant treat.

This is the second elephant walking away. He has a little blinker on his tail. I guess it's to make it easier on the unsuspecting driver who happens upon an elephant on the road at night.

We were in a little flea market the other night and I saw this little blinker on a table. I picked it up and turned around. Then I stuck it on my rear end for Troy's amusement. I was referring to the elephant and doing it for his amusement only, but the lady running the booth saw me and burst out laughing. She got the joke also, much to my surprise.

Here we are in Chaing Mai. The elephants above were just babies so although they may look big they were not all that huge. This elephant was a more grown up one. Perhaps a teenager. I did not feed this one, but I found it really amusing. The elephant is literally sticking it's head in a bar where the people are feeding it.

Get it. An elephant walks into a bar...

Too Funny. Now for my more rural friends who are used to animals riding on trucks. Here's a new one for you.

An elephant...riding in a truck.

We took this picture from inside the bus we were taking back to Bangkok. It had just passed us. Ha Ha Ha. Anyway, I distinctly heard the elephant say "Does this make my butt look too big?"