Thursday, March 27, 2008

Run For Relief...

This month during our visit to Chiang Mai there was a 5k run held to benefit the refugees of the crisis in Burma. We had no prior knowledge of the run so neither of us packed anything appropriate. We couldn't let that stop us though. So we got up early and drove our rental mopeds over to the park. We were very impressed to see so many people out supporting this very worthy cause. I have no idea if the turn out was better than last year or not, but the fact is there were a good number of people there.

Here I am looking like an idiot. I was number 781 as you see. Please note the flip flops. Since the refugees run for their lives in flip flops, they added that as a pretty cool category option. You could register as a flip flop runner and not be in the same category as the racers. The shoes I was actually wearing were not better than the flip flops, so I opted for them. We walked, of course, but we saw people actually running with the flip flops on. One guy with flip flops on was keeping pace with all the sneaker wearing runners. I know this because the course looped back around on itself, and they passed us on their way to the finish line. We were passing a 7o year old who was pushing a baby in a stroller at the time. We almost missed it, but we got lucky.

By the way she was the only one we passed. It got pretty desolate along the way, but the course was fool proof and we made it to the finish line. I should also explain the bags I'm wearing in the picture. One was the bag I was using as a purse. It is full of maps, a camera, my wallet and other junk. Oh yeah, my water bottle also. The second bag was because Troy had picked up every brochure he found at the information tables for 3 different organizations, and we each got two different t-shirts and a set of flip flops. Troy was already wearing flip flops so he stuck with those. I had the shoes I showed up in, so I was switching back and forth and carrying two pair of shoes regardless of who was wearing what.

I ended up with so much stuff that I had to buy the second bag just to carry it all. The bag is made by the Karen villagers. I wanted to be a blessing to them and help myself out at the same time. So two loaded bags and two pair of flip flops later, I'm huffing and puffing past a 70 year old and her granddaughter. I totally rock!

Here is a picture of the t-shirt from the race. I think the words on it tell the whole story. First the front of the shirt which shows how in reality my bags were nothing. I don' t think I would have made it past granny if I had been carrying my little brother or sister or other family member who had lost a leg to a landmine.

Here is the front of the t-shirt.

Here is the back.

That says it all folks. I refer you back to the picture of me smiling and looking like an idiot. I am so far removed from the situation that these people are in, but I have a heart. I care about what is happening to them. I am smiling because I have a great deal to be grateful for. My life is awesome. Theirs is not. My life is full of good things. Theirs is not. I do not have to apologize to them or to God for what I have been given. I do have a responsibility to help my brothers and sisters when I see them in need. I have been blessed so I can be a blessing. That is not a burden. God has blessed me so I can help. I have been trying to get you to see things you would not normally see. I am not trying to make you feel bad, I just want you to be moved with the compassion that God has given you, and do what you can to help. The globe is full of need and we are so quick to spout out that we are not supposed to be moved by every need we come across because then where would we be. Well, I think we would be really blessed.

God is not a liar. He said that when we gave, He would multiply it back to us. He said that when we gave to those poor people, the ones we "will have with us always" we were lending to Him. He said that if we saw them in need and were not moved with compassion that we should be wondering if the love of God was actually in us. I know it's in you. I know that's true. I also know you want things and need things and you have bills. The bottom line is that you have to choose what to do with your resources every day. I promise that if you send a few dollars to these people who are crying out to God for his help you will not go broke. Actually, what I promise is of no consequence whatsoever! It is what He promised that counts.

I am putting the link here again. You can do it over the Internet. You don't have to write a check. You don't have to look up an address. It can't be any easier. I am truly setting before you life and death this day. It is their life or their death and cash is going to make the difference that is needed here. I am asking you to choose life. Life for them and life for yourself.

Thank you.

I will say thank you for the villagers. You may not get to hear it from them on this side of our move to heaven, but it isn't just a cheesy, over played emotional song. People really do have their lives changed because you were willing to give to the Lord.