Thursday, May 08, 2008

Meet Pui Asenka...

This is Pui Asenka. She is a Thai missionary to Tibet. Like the sweetheart she is, she calls it China because it technically is. The reality is she goes in and out of what is known to most of the world as Tibet. Right now Pui is stuck here in Thailand because things have gotten very dicey where she was living since the world stage focused on China because of the olympics. The very street she lived on has become a popular place for activists to find housing and Pui's entire ministry depends on her not being noticed. If she goes back right now there is a chance she will draw unwanted attention just because she lives on that street.

As with the other entries in my "meet" them series I have asked Pui to put something down in her own words. She has done an excellent Job. I want to keep the integrity of every word, but for the purposes of your understanding I have had to do some slight editing. I know she doesn't mind.

So without further ado.... Meet Pui Asenka in her own words.

Who am I?

In a small village up in the hills of Thailand, a girl was born into a Buddhist family. This family obeyed evil spirits and ghosts living in fear of them and servitude to them. That had been the heritage among her people since the ancestors.

That little girl was me. When I was young, I had to get up every morning and help my Grandmother prepare food for the monks. Every religious holiday, my Grandmother took me out to temple to make merits. This was my childhood.

At this time, I was very young and I did not know who is Jesus Christ because nobody ever evangelized me and told me about Him.

How God brings me to the truth through a hard life:

At the age of 15 years old, I had my first chance to hear about Jesus Christ. My Mother and me moved into the downtown of the city called Chiang Mai. My Mother was facing a very hard time because she was very ill. We thought she was ill by serious mental disorder and we took her to many hospitals. The diagnosis from all of those doctors indicated that she was absolutely normal.

We knew that she was not. It seemed that she must be affected by very, very evil spirits.

Our last solution was to take her to see many spirituals and mediums as well as abbots in many temples. None of them could help her in this very difficult time. Furthermore, some of them ran away from the evil spirits that insisted on staying in my mother’s life forever. It had been 8 years in total that my Mother had suffered from these spirits.

This continued until the day that our family decided to trust in Jesus Christ. We did this after we were told by a Christian that God can help us and can solve all our problems. Since then, my Mother has been continually healed by The Christ and she is now completely free from those devils. Praise The Lord!!!

I had thought that my Mother was going to die and that nobody could ever help her!! I am so thankful to God. He is so good to my family and me. If I had never known about The Christ, then I and my mother would have died by that black power. THANK GOD!!!

God's Mission In Me:

I'm a missionary at the border of China-Tibet (in China ).When I first knew that God called me to serve Him in China, I was so shocked and very scared of it. God is so good to me though and He encouraged me by His verse in “Psalms 91: 1-16.” Knowing this was true for me set me free from the fear and made me be willing to go out to China. When I went there, it reminded me of my former religious life before I became a Christian. The Tibetans have had faith in Buddhism and spirits.

My Duty:

My duty in China is to be in disguise. We are a tourist company, and I’m a tourist guide that will bring the foreign tourists travelling to each specified area. In fact, all those tourists are missionaries that I take out to evangelize the local people in villages. Our purpose is that we will bring Tibetans to The Christ, we are seeking the ones that can be a CEO in Christ. Those people will then take care of the believers that we have already evangelized, and they will keep them in their spiritual ways as leaders. Then when they have heads or shepherds of The Christ we don’t have to be worried about the believers after we have left the evangelized areas.


I just want to thank you so much. Thank you for all of your prayers and supports. I hope that we can serve The Lord together. Thank you everybody that you become one of our team that serve God together here!

OK. I didn't correct that last paragraph at all because she is so sweet and so stinking sincere I just couldn't change it. Pui is a Hero of the highest order. She has taken up the cross and laid down her life in a culture that is less than 1 percent Christian. She has dedicated her life to serving Him, and in no way worries about what it means to her. She confided in me that she is just like all the other women in the world and struggled with feelings of self consciousness about her weight because Thai women are usually stick thin. Then when she moved to Tibet and lived in a climate that is so much colder than her native one, she discovered that He made her just perfect! I think so too.

We have made it our business to make a donation to Pui's ministry by personally giving her money. If you support us, you have supported her. I would like that happen again. If you were moved by her at all please send in a gift and designate it for her. Anything that can be done to help will make her better able to do a vital work reaching a very difficult place in the world. Please consider joinging with her. Thanks.